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4.5 Customers Requests

These API calls allow creating and manipulating MollyBet accounts and to return information about either the currently logged-in account or about other MollyBet accounts (provided that the caller has the required permissions).

Available calls:

4.5.1 Create a new MollyBet account

Method and URL:

POST /v1/customers/

Request Parameters:

password [ string ]:

The password of the new user. Must be at least 8 characters long and contain both numbers and letters.

group_id [ int ]:

The numeric group ID of the new user. You can only create users in groups which you manage.

name [ string ] (optional, default: ""):

The display name of the new user.

roles [ object{role_name -> string, assigned -> bool} ] (optional, default: {"customer": true}):

Roles to assign to the user. Available keys:

  • customer (required)

  • bet_placer

    The customer can place bets

  • group_spy

    Customer can see orders of other customers in the group

  • trade_page_viewer

    Customer can see trade page of the website

  • detailed_accounting

    Kickbacks and commissions not netted into prices

  • account_viewer

    Customer can see bookie account usernames and fetch balances

credit_limit [ list[string, float] ] (optional, minimum: 0, maximum: 1e18, default: [ccy_code, 0.]):

The credit limit of the user, as a [currency code, amount] 2-item list.

credit_limit_comment [ string ] (optional):

Optional credit limit description.

max_stake_per_event [ list[string, float] ] (optional, minimum: 0, maximum: 1e18):

The total combined stake the customer can place on a single event, as a [currency code, amount] 2-item list. Unlimited if not set.

commission_rate [ object{date_from -> string, rate_pc -> float} ] (optional):

The commission rate to apply to the user, with the date it starts being active.

active [ bool ] (optional, default: true):

If false the customer will be created in a disabled status.

locked [ bool ] (optional):

The user is locked due to multiple login failures.

expires_at [ ISO 8601 date string ] (optional):

The date after which this user won't be able to log in anymore

username [ string ]:

The username of the new user. Must be unique and only contain alphanumeric characters.

ccy_code [ string ]:

The currency of the new user, as an ISO 4217 three-letter currency code.

Return Data: Data about the customer just created, in a format similar to the input parameters.

4.5.2 List all the MollyBet accounts known by the requesting user

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/

Request Parameters:

last_login [ string ] (optional, default: "true"):

if "true", returns information about the last time each user logged in

inactive [ string ] (optional, default: "true"):

if "true" include inactive accounts

permissions [ string ] (optional, default: "false"):

if "true", return a set of permissions each user possesses

customer_ids [ string ] (optional):

comma-separated list of ids of customers to return

Return Data: A list of objects representing the data about the accounts known.

4.5.3 Return information about a single MollyBet account

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/<username>/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to return.

Return Data: An object representing the data about the account.

4.5.4 Change some of the attributes of a MollyBet account

Method and URL:

PATCH /v1/customers/<username>/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to change.

Request Parameters:

The same accepted in Create Account.

Return Data: Data about the customer just updated, in a format similar to the input parameters.

4.5.5 Check if the current user can place bets with this IP

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/<username>/can_place_bets/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to check; only the current logged in user is supported.

Return Data: An object with the following properties:

  • can_place_bets (bool):

    a boolean indicating whether the user can place bets from the IP address from which this request is made

  • reason (str):

    an optional hint about why the value of can_place_bets was selected

  • ip_address (str):

    what the API believes to be the IP address of the request

  • country (str):

    what the API believes to be the country that corresponds to the IP address of the request

4.5.6 Return the list of the bookmaker accounts available to the customer

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/<username>/bookie_accounts/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to get info for.

Return Data: An objects as described in Group Accounts list.

4.5.7 Return the list of the bookmaker accounts according to tag rules

Method and URL:

POST /v1/customers/<username>/bookie_accounts_preview/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to get info for.

Request Parameters:

tag_rules [ unknown ]:

Tag rules

env_tags [ unknown ]:

Environment tags

Return Data: An objects as described in Group Accounts list.

4.5.8 Get the accounting summary of a MollyBet account

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/<username>/accounting_info/

The accounting summary includes the balances, profit/loss, and open stake of a MollyBet account.

The method returns a JSON list of objects with members:

  • key: a short string describing the entry; provided entries are currently current_balance, open_stakes, today_pl, yesterday_pl, credit_limit, commission_rate;

  • label: a human-readable label for the entry

  • unit: the unit of the entry: currency codes such as EUR, GBP for monetary amounts, or % for percentages;

  • value: the numeric amount of the entry

A sample output of the function could be the following JSON message:

[{"key": "current_balance",
"label": "Current balance",
"unit": "SGD",
"value": 85024.7},
{"key": "open_stakes",
"label": "Open stakes",
"unit": "SGD",
"value": 3438.03},
{"key": "credit_limit",
"label": "Agent credit limit",
"unit": "SGD",
"value": 1000000.0},
{"key": "commission_rate",
"label": "Current commission rate",
"unit": "%",
"value": 0.25}]

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to get info for.

4.5.9 Return the history of the credit limit changes of a MollyBet account

Method and URL:

GET /v1/customers/<username>/credit_limit_history/

URL Parameters:


MollyBet account username to get info for.

Return Data: A list of objects with the previous changes to the credit limit

Output Format:

amount [ float ]:

the new credit limit; null if no limit is set;

ccy_code [ string ]:

the currency of the credit limit (usually the customer currency);

timestamp [ string ]:

the timestamp in which the credit limit was set;

comment [ text ]:

any comment set by the agent when the credit limit was set.


[{"amount": 15000.0,
"ccy_code": "GBP",
"timestamp": "2014-03-24T18:48:58.006352+00:00",
"comment": "Credit limit set by agent"}]

4.5.10 Request a refresh of the balance for a customer's bookie account

Method and URL:

POST /v1/customers/<username>/bookie_accounts/kick_balance/

URL Parameters:



Request Parameters:

account_id [ int ]:

ID of the bookie account to refresh balance for.

Return Data: an object with the attribute balance containing the bookie account's newly-fetched balance.