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7.2 List of Bet Types

Bet types are strings consisting of a comma separated list of terms describing the bet.

The first term is for or against, depending on whether it's a back or a lay bet respectively. Handicaps always refer to the home team.

Asian handicaps are multiplied by 4 so they're always integers.

Bet types for normal events:

for,h (for,a)

The home team (away team) will win.


The game will be a draw.

for,win_90,h (for,win_90,a)

The home team (away team) will win by 90 minutes, without going into extra time.

for,dnb,h (for,dnb,a)

The home team (away team) will win, bet is void in the event of a draw.

for,ml,h (for,ml,a)

The home team (away team) will win, bet is void in the event of a draw. ml is short for moneyline. This differs from dnb in that we expect a draw can't happen and is simply an indication of that to customers.

for,overeq,n (for,undereq,n)

The game will have n or more (less) goals in total. n must be an integer.

for,over,n (for,under,n)

The game will have more (less) than n goals. n must be non-integral (e.g., 2.5).

for,ah,h,n (for,ah,a,n)

The home team (away team) will win, once an asian handicap of code n has been applied to the home team.

for,ahover,n (for,ahunder,n)

The total goals will be more (less) than handicap code n.

for,tahover,h,n (for,tahover,a,n)

Home team (away team) will score more than handicap code n goals.

for,tahunder,h,n (for,tahunder,a,n)

Home team (away team) will score less than handicap code n> goals.

for,eh,h,n (for,eh,a,n)

The home team (away team) will win with an "english handicap" of n. That's to say, the bet wins if and only if the final score x:y is such that x+n > y (x+n < y).


The match will draw with an "english handicap" of n. That's to say, the bet wins if and only if the final score x:y is such that x+n = y.


The score will be x to the home team, and y to the away team where x and y are both integers.


Either the home team will score strictly more than x goals, or the away team will score strictly more than y goals. ("more than" but not "equal to").


Either the home team will score less than w or more than y goals or the away team will score less than x goals or more than z goals.

for,odd (for,even)

The total number of goals scored will be an odd number (even number).

for,odd,h (for,even,h)

The total number of goals scored by the home team will be an odd number (even number).

for,odd,a (for,even,a)

The total number of goals scored by the away team will be an odd number (even number).


The total number of goals shall lie between x and y inclusive. It is permissible to emit a value inf for y representing infinity.

for,teamgr,h,x,y (for,teamgr,a,x,y)

goal range between x and y inclusive for home team (away team). Can use inf for infinity.

for,wg,h,n (for,wg,a,n)

The home side (away side) will win, and will score at least n goals in doing so.

for,wintonil,h (for,wintonil,a)

Home team (away team) to win and keep a clean sheet.

for,wintonil,h,no (for,wintonil,a,no)

Either the home team (away team) will score, or neither team will score.

for,wm,h,x,y (for,wm,a,x,y)

The home team (away team) will win by a margin of between x and y goals inclusive. Use inf for infinity.


In first goal markets, there will be no goal (equivalent to for,cs,0,0).


In score and winning margin markets, there will be no goal (equivalent to for,cs,0,0).


In score and winning margin markets, there will be a score draw (i.e., any draw excluding 0-0).

for,uswin,h (for,uswin,a)

Offered by some American bookies. The home team (away team) will win. In the event of a draw, it is treated as two bets, each of half the chosen stake, one of which wins, one of which loses.

for,quatro,h,o,x, (for,quatro,a,o,x)

The home team (away team) will win, and over x goals will be scored in the match (x should not be an integer).

for,quatro,h,u,x (for,quatro,a,u,x)

The home team (away team) will win, and under x goals will be scored in the match (x should not be an integer).

for,quatro,hd,o,x (for,quatro,ad,o,x)

The home team (away team) will win or draw, and over x goals will be scored in the match (x should not be an integer).

for,quatro,hd,u,x (for,quatro,ad,u,x)

The home team (away team) will win or draw, and under x goals will be scored in the match (x should not be an integer).

for,dc,h,d (for,dc,a,d)

Either the home team (away team) will win, or the match will be drawn (effectively, laying the opposite team win).


Either the home team will win, or the away team will win (effectively, laying the draw).

for,clean,h,(yes|no) (for,clean,a,(yes|no))

The home team (away team) will/won't keep a clean sheet.

for,clean,h (for,clean,a)

The home team (away team) will keep a clean sheet.


Both teams will keep a clean sheet (same as for,cs,0,0).


One or both of the teams will keep a clean sheet.


Neither team will keep a clean sheet.


One (but not both) of the teams will keep a clean sheet.

for,score,h,(yes|no) (for,score,a,(yes|no))

The home team (away team) will score or not.


Both teams will score.


Both teams will not score, i.e., either the score is 0-0 or only one team will score.


One or both teams will score.


Neither team will score (same as for,cs,0,0).


One (but not both) of the teams will score.


Absolute win margin. Wins if n = abs(home_goals - away_goals), e.g., 1-0 or 0-1 are both for,awm,1.

Bet types for multirunner events:


The specified team will win.

There is some overlap between bet types, and some bookies may offer multiple bet types that equate to the same bet. The bet type we display will usually be the one that's closest to the text on the bookie's web site, even if there are other bet types we could have chosen.

A bet is settled when we (and the bookie) know the result of that bet, and thus how much the bet won or lost. For in-running bets, Asian bookies generally allow you to bet on the outcome of the remainder of the match, discarding any goals scored up until this point. It is therefore important to know the current score, and this is reflected in the bet type. For bets settled in this manner, we use the bet type:


where x and y are the number of goals scored by the home and away teams respectively, and type is taken from the above list. Thus some example bet types for an in-running match where the score is currently 3-1 are:


Note that the last two don't have the ir,x,y part. That is because they are bet types that settle on the result of the full 90 minutes, not on the result of the remainder of the match. Note also that the second of those is an over/under handicap bet, which Asian bookies generally settle on the whole match, not the remainder of the match. However, for historical reasons, our bet type for that includes the score anyway.


Where X and Y are h (home team wins), d (draw), or a (away team wins). A bet on the combined result at half-time (X), and full-time (Y).

For example, the bet of type for,h,d wins if the home team is winning at the end of the first half AND the game ends in draw, at full time.

7.2.1 Tennis bet types

Tennis bet types are of the form:


The time_type and time_value fields indicate the time period for which this bet is relevant.

time_type can be one of the following: tset: Indicates that the time_value refers to a number of sets. tgame: Indicates that the time_value refers to a specific game within a set. tpoint: Indicates that the time_value refers to a specific point (future implementation).

The time_value varies based on the time_type: For tset, time_value is either an integer referring to the set number or the string all, referring to the entire match. For tgame, time_value consists of two integer fields: set_number and game_number, which indicate the specific set and game, respectively.

The void_rule is an indicator of the circumstances under which the bookie will void the bet. This is usually caused by a player pulling out due to injury. The currently allowed values are:


The bet will void unless the entire match is played to conclusion.

vset1, vset2, vset3, etc.

The bet will void unless the relevant set has been completed.

vgame1, vgame2, vgame3, etc.

The bet will void unless the relevant game has been completed.


The bet will void unless at least one point has been won.


This is a special kind of void rule that can be used only when opening a betslip (and placing orders from that betslip). It means we want the betslip to accept offers for any void rule.

Example tennis bet types:


Player 1 will win the match.


Player 1 will win the first set.


Player 1 will win the first set, but the bookie will void the bet if one of the players pulls out, even though the first set may have been completed by that point.


In the match, player 1 will score x sets and player 2 will score y sets.


In the match, the total number of sets will be over/under handicap code n.


In the match, the total number of games will be over/under handicap code n.


In the second set, the total number of games will be over/under handicap code n.


In the match, the specified player will win more sets than their opponent, after a handicap code n has been applied to the result.


In the match, the specified player will win more games than their opponent, after a handicap code n has been applied to the result.


Player 1 will win the 3rd game from the 1st set.


Player 2 will win the 10th game from the 3rd set.

7.2.2 Bet types with time periods

Some non-tennis bet types will also have a time period indicator, of the form:


where time_period is one of:

tall, "tp,all"

The bet applies to all time periods, including any overtime and penalty shootouts if appropriate.

treg, "tp,reg"

The bet applies to regular time only.

tp1, tp2, tp3, etc., or "tp,1", "tp,2", "tp,3", etc.

The bet applies to period 1 (or 2, 3 respectively) only.

th1, th2

The bet applies to the first (or second) half only.

tet, tot

The bet applies to extra time or overtime only.

tq1, tq2, tq3, tq4

The bet applies to the indicated quarter only.

"tinnings,all", "tinnings,N" (baseball)

The bet applies to the end of indicated Inning, which can be a number N, or all to denote the entire match including overtime and penalties.

"sub,180" (darts)

The presence of this token indicates that the rest of the bet type is specifically on the number of 180s in the match, rather than set wins.

7.2.3 BF any other unquoted


BF any other unquoted (Home wins). The number n is the highest value for which (x,x) is in the CS market.


BF any other unquoted (Away wins). The number n is the highest value for which (x,x) is in the CS market.


BF any other unquoted (Draw). The number n is the highest value for which (x,x) is in the CS market.

7.2.4 Esport Maps

Esports supports betting on individual map outcomes. Up to 5 maps are supported and the bet type is of the form:


The following bet types are supported:

for,tmap,[1-5],ml,h (for,tmap,[1-5],ml,a)

The home team (away team) will win on map [1-5], bet is void in the event of a draw.

for,tmap,[1-5],ah,h,n (for,tmap,[1-5],ah,h,n)

The home team (away team) will win on map [1-5], once an asian handicap of code n has been applied to the home team.

for,tmap,[1-5],ahover,n (for,tmap,[1-5],ahunder,n)

The total score will be more (less) than handicap code n on map [1-5].

for,tmap,[1-5],tahunder,h,n (for,tmap,[1-5],tahunder,a,n)

Home team (away team) will score less than handicap code n> points on map [1-5].

for,tmap,[1-5],tahover,h,n (for,tmap,[1-5],tahover,a,n)

Home team (away team) will score more than handicap code n points on map [1-5].